Friday, August 21, 2015

8 - Hero

What Makes Someone a Hero?

                     So I asked google what hero meant and this is what it he showed me.

            It is said that heroes only appear in times of peril, when all hope is lost, a single person would be able to overturn everything and save the day. A hero is a person who is admired and idealized because of courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Not many throughout history are able to actually qualify as heroes, especially today, on our current era where “peace” mostly prevails.           
            Figures such as Andres Bonifacio and Gregorio Del Pilar are considered as heroes because they died for the purpose of attaining freedom. They had shown unwavering courage in the face of the terror of the oppressors.
            Emilio Aguinaldo, lead the Filipino citizens to the path of independence. Under his rule, he established the First Philippine Republic. He truly deserves to be called a hero for he had the noble qualities and outstanding achievements that a hero should have.
            Those were the heroes of antiquity who risked their lives for the great many. In contrast, the people today who are considered modern heroes are those who work for their families abroad, or a person who was able to save a single person. They say that it must have taken quite a lot of sacrifice to be able to do such things. But in my own humble opinion, what they did should only be natural and are not exactly outstanding achievements. The standards for heroes have lowered because nowadays, people only mostly think about themselves.
            Heroes! They are those who are selfless and thinks for the sake of the people instead of only themselves. They are those who prevent disaster from befalling the population. They are charismatic people, able to lead people to prosperity and happiness. It is sad to think that the spirit of true heroes may be dead now, and I am fully aware that I am not capable of becoming a hero even if I want to, but one day, I believe that a hero will emerge and smash the surreal peace we now experience to bring forth the true peace that the world deserve. Ask yourself. Could it be you?


1 comment:

  1. (Commenting to 15 Random People and You are One of the 15. ^__^ )

    Being a hero doesn't require lots of heavy work, you could become a hero in just a simple way and in your way to be exact.
